Join us in the Cloud

This is about getting you and your company ready for the migration. This phase should give you a clear understanding of all the benefits of Avanti’s new cloud offering.

We will be sunsetting Avanti’s on-premise solution as of 2022 year-end to make way for a new and improved Avanti experience.

Benefits of Avanti in the Cloud

Migrating will undoubtedly change the way you work in the best possible way. Updating to the cloud means less frustration with infrastructure and IT issues, time and cost savings, and the peace of mind that your data is always safe. Take a look at the benefits you’ll experience.
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Budget more effectively

Companies that opt for cloud-based software pay no installation costs, ongoing maintenance expenses, or any hidden fees, which makes it easier for you to budget and allocate resources effectively, all while enjoying an enhanced software platform.

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Increase productivity

When your workforce management tools are cloud-based, you can access what you need anytime, anywhere and from any device. By reducing redundant tasks, managers can focus on the big picture. And when employees can complete tasks without assistance, they become more efficient and empowered.

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Compliance made easy

With a million things on your plate, let us do the heavy lifting and ensure you are adhering to all Canadian compliance rules.

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Enhanced permissions

Avanti’s cloud solution provides flexible and configurable access control. You can easily create the appropriate user settings to ensure only the essential people have access to sensitive employee and company data.

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Pay Per Employee

With Avanti, you only pay per employee per month (PEPM). If you aren’t paying an employee for a period of time, we aren’t charging you for our service. This applies to non-compensated employees who need to remain in the system, volunteers, or even terminated employees requiring temporary self-service access. With today’s roller coaster economic climate, paying per employee helps you save money when change occurs.

Save Time
Efficient integration

If you’re familiar with the frustrations of integrating on-premise software, you already know that synchronizing business systems can be an uphill battle. Thankfully, Avanti’s new solution offers application programming interfaces (APIs), so you can easily integrate systems and share valuable data in real-time. As a result, you’re spared the integration headaches while enjoying a much-improved experience.

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Exciting new features & functionality

Our product is changing for the good. Every day we’re working on developing new features and enhanced functionality to solve the problems you face and transform your experience into something more intuitive and delightful. By moving our workforce solutions to a cloud environment, we no longer face constraints on the kind of innovation we want to deliver.

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Secure & private

As always you can rely on Avanti to prioritize your security – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Did you know that in our forty years of business, Avanti has never had a security breach? As your provider, you can rely on us to protect your data and operational security at every step with multiple layers of protection and defense.

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Save on the cost of procuring and maintaining firewalls ($2K+)

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Save on the cost of Antivirus software

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Ensure the safety of your data with daily intrusion tests and backup tests

Need more details? See our detailed security and encryption page.

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Cost savings

Embracing the cloud eradicates your businesses’ need for major upgrades every few years. Compared with traditional systems that require expensive upgrades and maintenance – choosing Avanti’s cloud-based people management platform has the potential to save you tens of thousands of dollars – now and in the future.

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Save on the cost of and upkeep of servers ($15-$30K+)

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Free up space – no need to house servers, pay for cooling and electricity

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Stay current – Let Avanti keep you up to date, no more hardware investments every few years

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Eliminate the costs of an expensive 3-tier data centre ($5K+ per month)

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Safe & sound documentation

Say goodbye to those dusty file cabinets in the storeroom. Avanti’s cloud-based workforce software frees you from safeguarding paper documents and external storage systems due to natural disasters or malfunctions. Cloud storage saves your company’s information, so you don’t lose sleep over the security of your documents. Now you can avoid wasting time hunting down paperwork – your schedules, tax information and records are saved, safe, and available at any time.

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Save on the cost of backup devices and licenses ($15K+)

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Save on the cost of data storage

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Know that your data is safe and accessible when you need it

Ready to Make the Switch? Let’s Talk Cloud!

Talk to your Avanti CSM today or get in touch with us to discuss Avanti’s workforce management solutions for your organization.